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More than just basic home insurance covers!

Because all you need is piece of mind.
Essential Many covers for your home in an affordable package. Includes the basic covers you need plus the ones that get you the property tax discount.

We compensate you for damage done to your home by:

  • ignition
  • accidental fire
  • forest fire
  • lightning strike
  • smoke or boiler/burner explosion.

Furthermore, we cover any damage that may occur while trying to put out the fire, as well as firefighting costs.

Short circuit

We compensate you for damage done to the electrical installations or appliances in your home by:

  • overloading of the electrical network
  • short circuit
  • overheating
  • electric arc transformation
  • electricity evasion.

The compensation will not exceed €4,200 and the deductible is €200. The deductible is the amount you have to pay for the damage.


We compensate you for damage done to your home by an earthquake or one of its consequences:

  • fire
  • ground subsidence
  • landslide
  • tidal wave - tsunami.

An deductible of €2,800 applies for this cover. The deductible is the amount you have to pay for the damage.

Natural phenomena

We compensate you for damages done to your home by natural phenomena:

  • flood
  • storm
  • hail
  • snow.

We compensate you for damages done to your home by leaking or overflowing pipes or tanks belonging to the:

  • water supply
  • cooling system
  • heating system
  • drainage.

Furthermore, we cover the cost of:

  • investigating the damage
  • restoring the damaged parts
  • pumping the water.

We compensate you for damages done to your home or its fencing by a vehicle (and drone) collision. We even cover the fall of:

  • trees or branches
  • posts or antennas.

To compensate you for these falls, they must result from causes covered by your policy (e.g. natural causes).

Finally, we cover the impact of an airplane or objects falling from it onto your home.


We compensate you for damages done to your home by:

  • malicious acts
  • terrorist acts
  • political unrest
  • work stoppages
  • strikes
  • civil commotion.

We compensate you for damages done to the windows of your home. Specifically:

  • mirrors
  • windows
  • glass interior surfaces
  • frames and rubber peripheral parts of windows and mirrors.

We also cover the installation costs for the above.

The compensation will not exceed the amount shown on your policy as the insured capital and the deductible is €200. The deductible is the amount you have to pay for the damage.

Liability from damage

We compensate you for damage that may be caused to other homes by something that happened to yours. Specifically we cover:

  • fire
  • leakage/breakage of pipes and tanks.

For example, if a leak from one of your own pipes spreads and causes damage to a neighbouring house, we'll give you a share of the amount you'll have to pay. The compensation will not exceed €30,000.

Owner's liability

We compensate you for damage or injury caused to other people while they are in your home if you, your family or household staff are responsible. The compensation will not exceed €50,000.

Personal accident

We compensate you for accidents that you, your spouse or your minor children will suffer, if they live with you. For the compensation to apply, the accident must have resulted from a covered risk, which means damage covered by your policy


We compensate you for expenses you'll have to pay if, after damage to your home, you'll need:

  • architects
  • mechanics
  • issuing a permit
  • debris removal
  • relocation.

The compensation will not exceed €8,400.

Legal protection

We cover legal costs and attorney fees that may arise from damage to your home that is covered by your policy. For example, if a leak starts with you, moves to another apartment and you and the owners end up in court, we will cover some of these costs. The compensation will not exceed €30,000.

Lock replacement

We compensate you for replacing locks in your home if somebody tries to enter it illegally or if you lose your keys. For the cover to apply, you must report it to the police within 48 hours. The compensation will not exceed €500.

Additional Even more covers if you want to feel extra safe. Includes all our Essential covers and a few extras, like theft and accidental damages.
Accidental damages

We compensate you for damage done accidentally, without intent, to items you have in your home:

  • sanitary ware
  • ceramic hobs
  • TV
  • stationary computers
  • video equipment
  • audio equipment
  • wiring and utilities.

The compensation will not exceed €2,000 and the deductible is €200. The deductible is the amount you have to pay for the damage.


We compensate you for damage done to your home by people trying to break in. Furthermore, we cover items that may be stolen, and damage to the contents, even if nothing is stolen. But for this to apply, the items must have obvious signs of tampering. The compensation will not exceed €7,000 and a €500 deductible applies. The deductible is the amount you have to pay for the damage.


We compensate you for damage done to your home by:

  • landslide
  • land subsidence
  • ground elevation.
    For the cover to apply, these events must not have been caused by an earthquake. A deductible of €2,000 applies. The deductible is the amount you have to pay for the damage.
Rent loss

We compensate you for the rents you will lose if your home suffers damage that makes it uninhabitable and your tenants leave. The compensation will be based on the rent you declare and will apply until the damage is repaired or until you can rent again. The compensation will not exceed €14,000.

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