What is needed for wallet+?
  • 01 Dec 2023
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What is needed for wallet+?

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Article summary

If you choose to get funded from tbi bank

  • For amounts between €20 and €500, you will need your smartphone, your debit card and a photo of your ID card.
  • For amounts between €501 and €2,000, you will need your smartphone, your debit card, a photo of your ID card, your TAXISnet credentials or your recent tax clearance note.

In any case, you won't need a bank account or e-banking credentials.

If you choose to get funded from Piraeus Bank

You will need an account at Piraeus Bank and you will also have to use your winbank credentials. If you are an existing customer but you don't have winbank credentials, you can create them completely online. You will just need an active debit card. Also, you will need your TAXISnet credentials or your recent tax clearance note.

If you choose to get funded from National Bank of Greece

You will need an account at National Bank of Greece and you will also have to use your i-bank credentials. If you are an existing customer but you don't have i-bank credentials, you can create them completely online. Also, you will need your TAXISnet credentials or your recent tax clearance note.

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